Sunday, January 8, 2012

Art Advancements

Since it is currently school holidays, I have been doing a great deal of drawing and digi-painting, and I organized my art folders on the computer. In this process I've learnt one main thing about myself. I used to have great difficulty with keeping proportions. While various people can see my mistakes easily, I don't. Possibly because I never look at the image as another person does - since I am the creator. Looking over my old work, I have made so many errors proportion-wise. It may take a lot of effort, but I plan to edit my digital art and republish them online. I've even cleared out my whole deviantArt profile of art because I was not content with the pieces of art.

On another note, I have discovered two basic techniques, which I believe will help me in the future for creating stylish drawings.

I've recently bought a large number of pens, and I look forward to using them all for various different pieces of art :)